Module Opam_ci_check.Test

type error = OpamPackage.t * exn

A package and the exception recording its failure to install or pass tests.

val error_to_string : error -> string
val test_packages_with_opam : ?use_default_root:bool -> string -> OpamPackage.t list -> error Stdlib.Seq.t

test_packages_with_opam package revdeps is the sequence of errors encountered while trying to install and test all the packages in revdeps.


let no_errors_encountered = assert (test_packages_with_opam cmdliner.1.1.1 revdeps |> Seq.length = 0)
let errors_encountered = assert (test_packages_with_opam cmdliner.1.1.1 revdeps |> Seq.length > 0)
val test_packages_with_dune : string -> string -> OpamPackage.t list -> (unit, 'a) Stdlib.result
val build_run_spec : ?use_cache:bool -> ?only_print:bool -> ?opam_repository:string -> base:Spec.base -> Spec.t -> (unit, Rresult.R.msg) Stdlib.result