Module Opam_ci_check.Spec

Defines the configuration needed to then generate an OBuilder spec

type base =
  1. | Docker of string
  2. | Macos of string
  3. | Freebsd of string

The base image from which the job starts running. MacOS and FreeBSD do not yet have Docker images and start from custom base images stored in the workers.

val base_to_string : base -> string
type package = OpamPackage.t
type opam_build = {
  1. revdep : package option;
  2. with_tests : bool;
  3. lower_bounds : bool;
  4. opam_version : Opam_version.t;

Configuration for an opam_build job

type list_revdeps = {
  1. opam_version : [ `Dev | `V2_0 | `V2_1 | `V2_2 | `V2_3 ];

Configuration for a list_revdeps job

type ty = [
  1. | `Opam of [ `Build of opam_build | `List_revdeps of list_revdeps ] * package

Configuration for any job along with the package to build

val ty_to_yojson : ty -> Yojson.Safe.t
type t = {
  1. variant : Variant.t;
  2. ty : ty;
val opam : ?revdep:package -> variant:Variant.t -> lower_bounds:bool -> with_tests:bool -> opam_version:Opam_version.t -> package -> t

Generate configuration for an opam_build job

val opam_list_revdeps : variant:Variant.t -> opam_version:Opam_version.t -> package -> t

Generate configuration for a list_revdeps job

val pp_ty : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> [< `Opam of [< `Build of opam_build | `List_revdeps of list_revdeps ] * OpamPackage.t ] -> unit
val pp_summary : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> [< `Opam of [< `Build of 'a | `List_revdeps of 'b ] * 'c ] -> unit