Module Client.Commit

type t = Raw.Client.Commit.t Capnp_rpc_lwt.Capability.t

A single commit being tested.

val jobs : t -> (job_info list, [> `Capnp of Capnp_rpc.Error.t ]) Lwt_result.t
val job_of_variant : t -> variant -> Current_rpc.Job.t

job_of_variant t is the (most recent) OCurrent job for this variant.

val refs : t -> (git_ref list, [> `Capnp of Capnp_rpc.Error.t ]) Lwt_result.t

refs t is the list of Git references that have this commit as their head.

val status : t -> ([ `Not_started | `Pending | `Failed | `Passed ], [> `Capnp of Capnp_rpc.Error.t | `Msg of string ]) Lwt_result.t

status t is the result of the most-recent 'summarise' step on this commit.